Previous Topics

See the lists of topics below. To see summaries of the discussions see the “Recent Posts” links to the right.

Most recent topics:

January 28th, 2011 – Edmonds

1)      What does the Bible say is sound doctrine?

2)      What does the Bible teach that could help Calvinists and Arminians (or other) to believe the best about each other? Or, to attain the unity of the faith?

3)      What does baptism represent and mean, according to the Bible?

4)      What does the Bible say about worship?

5)      Is Fellowship Forum biblical?

October 15th, 2011 – Port Orchard

  1. What does the New Testament teach about disciples of Jesus assembling together?

What does God say is/are the purpose(s) of “assembling together” and where does He say it?

From where do we get the term “the Lord’s Day?” Where does the Lord define it as different from other days, and in what ways does He say it is different? What does God say is its significance to us, and where does He reveal this?

What does it mean to come together on “the Lord’s Day”? Is that a special time of worship set apart from the idea of being a living sacrifice during your regular course of living? How does living our lives as an act of continual worship relate to our gathering for a special time of corporate worship?

  1. Are house churches Biblical? Are mega churches Biblical?
  2. What is a love relationship with Jesus?
  3. What does the Bible teach us about pragmatism?
  4. Is the whole world being deceived? If so, how shall we respond? If not, why not?

July, 2011 – No meeting

April 30th, 2011 – Edmonds

Does the New Testament call Christians to make the world a better place? Can we expect the world to get better and better or worse and worse as the day of the Lord’s return approaches?

What is the kingdom of heaven/God in the NT, are they the same, and what is required to enter therein?

What is the significance of the sacrifices and their typology as they illustrate Christ and Christian living? See Jn.5:39; I Cor.10:1-11; Heb.8:1-6.

“I would like to be provoked by you brethren, and by looking into God’s Word, comparing how we all actually pray with how the Bible says we should pray.   What does it look like to pray with faith, to be devoted to prayer, to pray fervently?   If we ask God for an answer to something, should we expect to know that He has spoken and keep seeking Him until we hear His voice beyond some kind of inner feeling?   If we take literally from 1 Tim 2:9+ that women “likewise” should adorn themselves modestly, and with good works, and should receive instruction quietly, etc., should we also take literally verse 8 which Paul commands men to do as the example for women: “Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension?”  Is the lifting of (holy) hands something that we men ought to do physically in prayer, expressing a certain heart posture toward God, while women pray with covered heads? “

January 15th, 2011 – Belfair

What place does Israel as a nation have, if any, in the biblical plans and heart of God? What is the relationship of Israel and the church presently and in the future?

What is the biblical perspective on retirement, especially in light of Luke 12:16-21 as it relates to anticipating a life of leisure?

Were OT believers forgiven of sins and did they enjoy the blessings of salvation as Christians know them, specifically commenting on Rom. 3:25 and Acts 17:30

What is the New Testament order for church government, particularly: [a] is there to be a hierarchy in the church of senior pastor, assistant pastor, etc. and, if so, what authority do they have in relationship to other believers? [b] What are the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of Elders/Overseers/Pastors? [c] How are decisions to be made in a church/assembly, including that of discipline?

October 2nd, 2010 – Edmonds

What are the biblical ways to help someone [or ourselves] to love, forgive, and adjust through very traumatic experiences such as abuse, betrayal, death, divorce, and equally devastating situations in life?

What are the contrasts noted in Mark 7:1-23 and the significance as related to the heart of man?

What is the purpose of money as it relates to godliness and Christian service?

What role, if any, does doctrine play as a basis of Christian fellowship?

How did the NT writers interpret and utilize the OT Scriptures?

July 17th, 2010 – Belfair

What constitutes good works, how are they performed, and what is their relationship to grace?

What are the practical implications individually and for the assembly that Jesus is Head of the body, High Priest over the house of God, and Foundation of the temple?

Are Yoga/meditation  and biblical Christianity compatible?

What is to be a Christian’s response to wounding of soul?

What are the practical implications individually and for the assembly that Jesus is Lord of His servants, Bridegroom of the bride, and shepherd of the flock?

April 17th, 2010 – Belfair

What sources of truth obligate the church: the Bible, dreams/visions, traditions, councils, personal experiences, statements of faith/denominational distinctives?

Discuss worship and what is musically appropriate in the assembly.

 What does it mean to be a disciple who is becoming biblically literate?

Concern, correction, and discipline in the church: how are they to be expressed?

What is the biblical role of women in ministry and assembly gatherings?

January 16, 2010 – The first Fellowship Forum. Port Orchard

Freedom and Faithfulness without License or Legalism: NT commands and disputable matters

What significant cultural influences affect our Christian thinking and practice?

What is the basis of fellowship in the church: doctrine, practice, membership, love?

The Pattern of Christ and Authoritative Leadership as they relate to being a local assembly of Christians.

How do forgiveness and reconciliation relate to remembering, bitterness, and revenge?