January 2011 Fellowship Forum

Summary Ten people were in attendance and participation was encouraging, insightful, and brotherly. A new feature of this FF were written contributions sent prior to the meeting from brethren unable to attend from as far away as Alaska. These were read as part of the...

October 2010 Fellowship Forum

Fellowship Forum October 10 Summary Ten people were in attendance and participation was encouraging, insightful, and brotherly. [1] What are the biblical ways to help someone [or ourselves] to love, forgive, and adjust through very traumatic experiences such as abuse,...

July 2010 Fellowship Forum

Fellowship Forum July Summary Twelve people were in attendance and participation was encouraging, insightful, and brotherly. [1] What constitutes good works, how are they performed, and what is their relationship to grace? Eph.2:8-10 inform us that grace – God’s full...

April 2010 Fellowship Forum

Twelve people were in attendance and participation was encouraging, insightful, and brotherly. [1] What sources of truth obligate the church: the Bible, dreams/visions, traditions, councils, personal experiences, statements of faith/denominational distinctives? Unlike...

January 2010 Fellowship Forum

Sixteen people were in attendance and participation was encouraging, insightful, and brotherly. [1] Freedom and Faithfulness without License or Legalism: NT commands and disputable matters. Legalism was defined as such: Salvation based upon law keeping, imposing...